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Healing Solution

Healing solution

Who needs Therapeutic Energy Healing?

There are many life events that disturb our equilibrium. Typically these are the life events where people tell you, "You have to be strong." 


Being strong is usually the same as burying pain deep in our subconscious. We might not be aware but the emotion and the energy are there and they impact our health and our behaviour. So if you say yes to the following:

  • I am emotionally unstable or unable to feel balanced

  • I am recovering from a serious illness or surgery

  • I am currently in or recovering from a crises of any sort


Then you should explore healing..​​.


Therapeutic Energy Healing

  • We have an energy body, in the same way that we have a physical body.

  • Our energy body and the physical body are interrelated and so what happens in one, impacts the other.

  • Energy flows in our body through an intricate system of Chakras and Nadis. They become dirty,  energy blocks develop and our energy flow is sub optimal.

  • Energy healing is a protocol driven system  to bring our energy flow back to equilibrium.

  • It is a no-touch system and can be done remotely.

  • It is complementary to other systems of healing e.g. allopathy, ayurveda or homeopathy.

From a Recipient of Healing to a Healer

Therapeutic Energy Healing was an integral part of Sangeeta Bhalla, our Founder's, recovery from cancer. She was inspired to learn and develop expertise in the system. She and her team of healers offer this service today.

Aditi Talwar :Covid Survivor

"Thank you so much. You have been a shining star and so, so helpful! You are really beautifully gifted to transform lives. I don't know how I would have got through all this without your help."

Riyaz: Cancer Survivor's Father

Sir, Your support made it possible for us to go through this journey. It was very difficult to see him after chemotherapy but after your healings started and the healing oils you gave him, he was able to manage the chemo quite well.​

Psychotherapy (name withheld )

Thank You Sangeeta. I was clinically depressed and your healings helped me come out of that. Now I am much better and back to my normal routine, including travelling abroad.

Begin Your Upward Spiral

Book a 15 minute free call to understand the process.

Commit to your well being, Inner and Outer Wellness.

Create fixed time as needed to receive healing.

Increase the ,'Prana' in your energy body, help the body to heal itself.

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